Patient Participation Group

The PPG was formed in July 2011 to improve patient feedback and involvement in the development of services at Highfield Surgery. The group comprises both patients and practice members, and meets four times a year. It acts as “critical friend” to the Surgery, and is an important point of contact between patients and the practice.

The PPG takes an active role in producing, administering and analysing the annual patient survey. It has also produced leaflets to help patients get more from their GP practice, and produced the ‘missed appointment’ boards you can see in the Surgery waiting rooms. PPG members were interviewed by the Care Quality Commission assessors when the practice had its assessment in 2016.

Please find below the application form to join our PPG. We are especially keen to attract younger patients (ages 15 to 30) and disabled patients, who are under-represented on the PPG just now.

What We Do


The role is unpaid and on a voluntary basis. There is no specific duration or contract. The Patient Participation Group (PPG) comprises registered patients drawn from a wide spectrum of the type of users of services at Highfield Surgery. It is involved in discussing with the practice what priorities it should set, undertaking surveys of patient opinion, and generally improving the experience at the Surgery. Specific roles may include:

1. Assisting the Operations Manager and Practice GP’s in developing the Participation Group.

2. Reviewing existing surveys and advising on future surveys, including helping to develop the questions and style of survey.

3. Assisting the implementation of surveys, ensuring good return rates and helping in the analysis of results.

4. Helping the practice GPs to formulate action plans that are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound).

5. To assist in enabling the actions to be delivered.

6. To ensure that the action plan is published in a form that is easy for the public to understand, including on this website.

7. To develop the role of the PPG (eg patient education, fundraising, etc).


To attend four PPG meetings per annum.

To assist with the smooth running of PPG meetings including, where agreed, chairing a meeting, taking minutes or otherwise participating.

To fulfil the PPG member roles listed above.

To follow the guidance of the PCN Manager

We welcome applications from patients to join the PPG at any time. There is no guarantee that making an application would mean you will join the group as it depends on group numbers and composition at the time. We already know many of the different types of patient that come to us and want to ensure we get a really good spread in the group.

At present we would be particularly interested to hear from anyone aged under 25, or who has very young children.

If you are interested in applying to join our Patient Participation Group then please contact us using the contact us form on this website.

Patient Participation Enrolment

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Date of Birth*
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