Practice Team

GP Partners

Dr Michelle Martin (f)

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Senior Partner - Manchester University 1993- special interests Palliative Care and Children’s Health.

Dr Daniel Bennett (m)
MBCHB MRCGP 2007 (merit) DFSRH

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Manchester University 2003- special interests Cardiology, Learning Disabilities and Medical Education

Dr Nicola Barr (f)

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University of Manchester 2010 - Special interest in Medical Education

Dr Catherine Petrie (f)

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Manchester University 2003- special interests Children’s Health, Family Planning

Dr Elizabeth Hodgson (f)

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Manchester University 2013 - Special interest in Womens Health

Dr Carolina Espada (f)

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University of Beira Interior 2007 - Special interest in frailty

Dr Marie Shah (f)

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University of London 2011 - Special interest in Medical Eduction

Dr Paolo Siddi (m)
MRCGP, PGDip in respiratory medicine

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Universita' degli Studi di Cagliari 2015 - Special interest in Respiratory Medicine

Salaried GPs

Dr Matthew Wiggins (m)

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Manchester University 2004- Special interests Respiratory Medicine and Rheumatology.

Dr Richard Williams (m)

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Manchester University 1983 Special interest in Dermatology

Dr Emily Siddi (f)

Practice Management

Heather (Assoc CIPD)
Practice Business Manager

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Responsible for HR, finance, strategy, legal, partnership and formal complaints

CIPD Level 3
CIPD Level 5

Operations Manager

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Responsible for, Patient Participation Group, rota management and building

Data & IT Manager

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Responsible for targets, admin team, contracts, data and IT

Reception Manager

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Responsible for reception team, informal reception complaints and appointments

Nursing Team

Denise (f)
Nurse Practitioner

Evonne (f)
Nurse Practitioner

Geri (f)
Nurse Practitioner

Jennifer (f)
Advanced Clinical Practitioner

Lynne (f)
Advanced Clinical Practitioner

Debbie (f)
Lead Practice Nurse

Julie (f)
Practice Nurse

Heather (f)
Practice Nurse

Angela (f)
Practice Nurse

Paul (m)
Nurse Associate

Nina (f)
Healthcare Assistant

Jane (f)
Healthcare Assistant

Kaye (f)
Healthcare Assistant

Pharmacy Team

Lead Clinical Pharmacist

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A Clinical Pharmacist is a registered pharmacist who’s undertaken additional training to enable them to work autonomously in general practice.

A Clinical Pharmacist can:
Triage and manage patients with common illnesses
Manage and prescribe medication(s) for patients with long-term conditions
Review patient medications including processing repeat prescription requests
Support the practice team with medicines optimisation

Clinical Pharmacist

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A Clinical Pharmacist is a registered pharmacist who’s undertaken additional training to enable them to work autonomously in general practice.

A Clinical Pharmacist can:
Triage and manage patients with common illnesses
Manage and prescribe medication(s) for patients with long-term conditions
Review patient medications including processing repeat prescription requests
Support the practice team with medicines optimisation

Pharmacy Technician

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Pharmacy Technicians are registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council and work alongside other members of the practice team.

Our Pharmacy Technician:

Prepares repeat prescriptions
Supports patients in getting the best outcomes from their medicines
Carries out prescribing audits
Supports the team with medication safety

Prescription Clerk

Prescription Clerk

Prescription Clerk

PCN Staff

PCN Paramedic Practitioner

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A Paramedic or Emergency Care Practitioner is a registered paramedic who’s completed additional training, enabling them to:

Carry out home visits
Undertake face-to-face and telephone triage
Manage patients with common illnesses or minor injuries
Advise patients on healthcare matters including the self-management of conditions
Carry out health checks and reviews
Perform and read ECGs

Clinical Pharmacist

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A Clinical Pharmacist is a registered pharmacist who’s undertaken additional training to enable them to work autonomously in general practice.

A Clinical Pharmacist can:
Triage and manage patients with common illnesses
Manage and prescribe medication(s) for patients with long-term conditions
Review patient medications including processing repeat prescription requests
Support the practice team with medicines optimisation

Rebecca & Lisa
Mental Health Practitioner

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Mental health and well being practitioners provide well being-focused psychologically informed interventions and coordinate care plans for adults with severe mental health problems.

Samantha, Callie & Victoria
Pharmacy Technicians

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Pharmacy Technicians are registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council and work alongside other members of the practice team.

Our Pharmacy Technician:

Prepares repeat prescriptions
Supports patients in getting the best outcomes from their medicines
Carries out prescribing audits
Supports the team with medication safety


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A Podiatrist is a medical professional devoted to the treatment and management of the foot, ankle and related structures of the leg enabling them to:

Provide assessments and evaluations of footcare needs
Support patients from low risk to long term acute conditions
Help to manage higher risk patients such as those with diabetes, rheumatism, cerebral palsy, peripheral arterial disease and peripheral nerve damage
Advise patients on healthcare matters including the self-management of conditions
Prescribe, produce and fit orthotics
Arrange further investigations and onward referrals

Rahila & Victoria
First Contact Physiotherapist

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A First Contact Physiotherapist is a qualified autonomous clinical practitioner who can assess, diagnose, treat and manage musculoskeletal problems enabling them to:

Be accessed directly by patients
Receive referrals from other members of staff
Provide rapid and accurate diagnoses and management plans
Give expert advice to patients on how to best manage their own conditions
Arrange further investigations and onward referrals

PCN Manager

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A network manager, in essence, is there to build the business infrastructure of the Primary Care Network (PCN) working alongside the Clinical Director, all member practices and stakeholders.

PCN Administrator

CDM Coordinator

Training practice

Highfield Surgery is a training practice. You therefore may be offered an appointment with a qualified doctor gaining experience in general practice or be asked if one may be present whilst you consult your own doctor. If you prefer to not see a trainee please let us know when booking an appointment.

Registrar Doctors

Registrars are fully qualified doctors who have decided they would like to become GPs. They will undertake a minimum of six months of ‘on-the-job’ training with us here at Highfield Surgery and are supervised by the Partners.

Medical Students

Our practice is a teaching practice for the University of Central Lancashire and the University of Manchester. With the supervision of your doctor or nurse, medical students may, with your consent in advance, join your consultation. This is one way medical students learn to become good doctors and understand patient views about their care. We appreciate your help with their learning.

GP Net Earnings

Disclaimer: NHS England require that the net earnings of doctors engaged in the practice is publicised and the required disclosure is shown below. However, it should be noted that the prescribed method for calculating earnings is potentially misleading because it takes no account of how much time doctors spend working in the practice, and should not be used for any judgement about GP earnings, nor to make any comparisons with other practices.

All GP practices are required to declare the mean earnings (e.g. average pay) for GP’s working to deliver NHS services to patients at each practice.

The average pay for GP’s working at Highfield Surgery in financial year 2022/2023, was £65981 before tax and national Insurance. This is for 2 full time GP’s and 12 part time GP’s.