Reasonable adjustments

NHS England has built the digital flag into the NHS Spine to enable health and social care professionals to record, share and review details of reasonable adjustments across health and publicly funded social care, wherever the person is treated nationwide.

The Reasonable Adjustment Digital Flag is a visible marker on a patient’s record which identifies the changes that need to be made by health and care services to make services as accessible for disabled people as they are for everyone else.

The Equality Act 2010 [3] states that organisations must make reasonable adjustments for disabled persons to make access to services equitable.

If you feel your needs require a reasonable adjustment, for example: easy read leaflets, appointment letters, large font leaflets, a British Sign Language Interpreter, a quieter room for you to wait in, wheelchair accessibility or even to be seen with your Carer, please speak to our reception team or fill out the below form.  This information will also be captured in any routine appointment, telephone call with a staff member and any health checks you may have with our staff.

We will require patients consent for all reasonable adjustment flag to be added.

Reasonable adjustments

For example, braille, audio, large format or EasyRead.
For example, an audible or visual alert in the waiting room, access to a hearing loop or the support of a note taker. Tell us what you need
Are you happy for this to be shared with other organsiations in the NHS and social care that will be involved in your care?